270 km/216 km/162 km/130 non-stop departing from Tamanrasset
in Algeria .The region : Hoggar, more exactly, Assekrem and
"Ermitage du père Foucault", a wonderful place as
there are very few ...
results 2010
This raid
is self-sufficiency. During the race, it is important to have
with you this following kit :
- Minimum calories : 6,000 ( 4,000 minimum for the start and 2,000
at the CP 6 or the CP 10)
- 1 survival blanket
- 1 sleeping bag
- one long pair of trousers
- 1 cooling jacket
- 1 signaling mirror
- 1 whistle
- 1 headlamp
- Batteries
- 1 lighter
- 1 small first aid kit
- 1 roll of elasto
- 1 compass
- 1 pocket knife
- 3 Cyalum
- 2 tissues
- Hydration System: gourds or bag
- 3 liters minimum .
programme of the race
Day 1 : Arrival in Tamanrasset
First night in bivouac
Formality starting, material & calories control, deposits
of bags
Day 2 : Start of the
270 km and the 216 km
Day 2 at 11:00 p.m : Start of the 162 km from the CP3
Day 6 : Visit the tomb
of the Queen of the Tuareg
Day 7 : Hotel and free day or
free after noon in Tamanrasset
Awards ceremony
Day 8 : Back to Paris